Cancels a withdrawal request, returning the withheld amount to the available balance.
Confirms a successful withdrawal by updating the necessary balances.
Retrieves the total available balance for a user.
Retrieves the total balance available to a specific canister.
Retrieves the remitted balance for a given account and amount.
Hashes the parameters needed for a remittance transaction.
Ensures the caller is a whitelisted DC canister, otherwise panics.
This function checks if the caller’s principal ID is in the list of allowed DC canisters.
Updates the balance for a specific account in a DC canister within the remittance mapping.
Updates the canister’s balance for a specific token.
Validates remittance data for processing by a DC canister.
Validates remittance data for processing by a PDC.
Validates remittance data based on whether the caller is a PDC or not.