use super::internal::{find_type, Field, Label, Type, TypeInner};
use crate::types::TypeEnv;
use crate::{Error, Result};
use anyhow::Context;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
pub type Gamma = HashSet<(Type, Type)>;
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum OptReport {
pub fn subtype(gamma: &mut Gamma, env: &TypeEnv, t1: &Type, t2: &Type) -> Result<()> {
subtype_(OptReport::Warning, gamma, env, t1, t2)
pub fn subtype_with_config(
report: OptReport,
gamma: &mut Gamma,
env: &TypeEnv,
t1: &Type,
t2: &Type,
) -> Result<()> {
subtype_(report, gamma, env, t1, t2)
fn subtype_(
report: OptReport,
gamma: &mut Gamma,
env: &TypeEnv,
t1: &Type,
t2: &Type,
) -> Result<()> {
use TypeInner::*;
if t1 == t2 {
return Ok(());
if matches!(t1.as_ref(), Var(_) | Knot(_)) || matches!(t2.as_ref(), Var(_) | Knot(_)) {
if !gamma.insert((t1.clone(), t2.clone())) {
return Ok(());
let res = match (t1.as_ref(), t2.as_ref()) {
(Var(id), _) => subtype_(report, gamma, env, env.rec_find_type(id).unwrap(), t2),
(_, Var(id)) => subtype_(report, gamma, env, t1, env.rec_find_type(id).unwrap()),
(Knot(id), _) => subtype_(report, gamma, env, &find_type(id).unwrap(), t2),
(_, Knot(id)) => subtype_(report, gamma, env, t1, &find_type(id).unwrap()),
(_, _) => unreachable!(),
if res.is_err() {
gamma.remove(&(t1.clone(), t2.clone()));
return res;
match (t1.as_ref(), t2.as_ref()) {
(_, Reserved) => Ok(()),
(Empty, _) => Ok(()),
(Nat, Int) => Ok(()),
(Vec(ty1), Vec(ty2)) => subtype_(report, gamma, env, ty1, ty2),
(Null, Opt(_)) => Ok(()),
(Opt(ty1), Opt(ty2)) if subtype_(report, gamma, env, ty1, ty2).is_ok() => Ok(()),
(_, Opt(ty2))
if subtype_(report, gamma, env, t1, ty2).is_ok()
&& !matches!(env.trace_type(ty2)?.as_ref(), Null | Reserved | Opt(_)) =>
(_, Opt(_)) => {
let msg = format!("FIX ME! {t1} <: {t2} via special opt rule.\nThis means the sender and receiver type has diverged, and can cause data loss.");
match report {
OptReport::Silence => (),
OptReport::Warning => eprintln!("{msg}"),
OptReport::Error => return Err(Error::msg(msg)),
(Record(fs1), Record(fs2)) => {
let fields: HashMap<_, _> = fs1.iter().map(|Field { id, ty }| (id, ty)).collect();
for Field { id, ty: ty2 } in fs2 {
match fields.get(id) {
Some(ty1) => subtype_(report, gamma, env, ty1, ty2).with_context(|| {
format!("Record field {id}: {ty1} is not a subtype of {ty2}")
None => {
if !matches!(env.trace_type(ty2)?.as_ref(), Null | Reserved | Opt(_)) {
return Err(Error::msg(format!("Record field {id}: {ty2} is only in the expected type and is not of type opt, null or reserved")));
(Variant(fs1), Variant(fs2)) => {
let fields: HashMap<_, _> = fs2.iter().map(|Field { id, ty }| (id, ty)).collect();
for Field { id, ty: ty1 } in fs1 {
match fields.get(id) {
Some(ty2) => subtype_(report, gamma, env, ty1, ty2).with_context(|| {
format!("Variant field {id}: {ty1} is not a subtype_ of {ty2}")
None => {
return Err(Error::msg(format!(
"Variant field {id} not found in the expected type"
(Service(ms1), Service(ms2)) => {
let meths: HashMap<_, _> = ms1.iter().cloned().collect();
for (name, ty2) in ms2 {
match meths.get(name) {
Some(ty1) => subtype_(report, gamma, env, ty1, ty2).with_context(|| {
format!("Method {name}: {ty1} is not a subtype of {ty2}")
None => {
return Err(Error::msg(format!(
"Method {name} is only in the expected type"
(Func(f1), Func(f2)) => {
if f1.modes != f2.modes {
return Err(Error::msg("Function mode mismatch"));
let args1 = to_tuple(&f1.args);
let args2 = to_tuple(&f2.args);
let rets1 = to_tuple(&f1.rets);
let rets2 = to_tuple(&f2.rets);
subtype_(report, gamma, env, &args2, &args1)
.context("Subtype fails at function input type")?;
subtype_(report, gamma, env, &rets1, &rets2)
.context("Subtype fails at function return type")?;
(Class(_, t), _) => subtype_(report, gamma, env, t, t2),
(_, Class(_, t)) => subtype_(report, gamma, env, t1, t),
(Unknown, _) => unreachable!(),
(_, Unknown) => unreachable!(),
(_, _) => Err(Error::msg(format!("{t1} is not a subtype of {t2}"))),
pub fn equal(gamma: &mut Gamma, env: &TypeEnv, t1: &Type, t2: &Type) -> Result<()> {
use TypeInner::*;
if t1 == t2 {
return Ok(());
if matches!(t1.as_ref(), Var(_) | Knot(_)) || matches!(t2.as_ref(), Var(_) | Knot(_)) {
if !gamma.insert((t1.clone(), t2.clone())) {
return Ok(());
let res = match (t1.as_ref(), t2.as_ref()) {
(Var(id), _) => equal(gamma, env, env.rec_find_type(id).unwrap(), t2),
(_, Var(id)) => equal(gamma, env, t1, env.rec_find_type(id).unwrap()),
(Knot(id), _) => equal(gamma, env, &find_type(id).unwrap(), t2),
(_, Knot(id)) => equal(gamma, env, t1, &find_type(id).unwrap()),
(_, _) => unreachable!(),
if res.is_err() {
gamma.remove(&(t1.clone(), t2.clone()));
return res;
match (t1.as_ref(), t2.as_ref()) {
(Opt(ty1), Opt(ty2)) => equal(gamma, env, ty1, ty2),
(Vec(ty1), Vec(ty2)) => equal(gamma, env, ty1, ty2),
(Record(fs1), Record(fs2)) | (Variant(fs1), Variant(fs2)) => {
assert_length(fs1, fs2, |x|, |x| x.to_string())
.context("Different field length")?;
for (f1, f2) in fs1.iter().zip(fs2.iter()) {
if != {
return Err(Error::msg(format!(
"Field name mismatch: {} and {}",,
equal(gamma, env, &f1.ty, &f2.ty).context(format!(
"Field {} has different types: {} and {}",, f1.ty, f2.ty
(Service(ms1), Service(ms2)) => {
assert_length(ms1, ms2, |x| x.0.clone(), |x| format!("method {x}"))
.context("Different method length")?;
for (m1, m2) in ms1.iter().zip(ms2.iter()) {
if m1.0 != m2.0 {
return Err(Error::msg(format!(
"Method name mismatch: {} and {}",
m1.0, m2.0
equal(gamma, env, &m1.1, &m2.1).context(format!(
"Method {} has different types: {} and {}",
m1.0, m1.1, m2.1
(Func(f1), Func(f2)) => {
if f1.modes != f2.modes {
return Err(Error::msg("Function mode mismatch"));
let args1 = to_tuple(&f1.args);
let args2 = to_tuple(&f2.args);
let rets1 = to_tuple(&f1.rets);
let rets2 = to_tuple(&f2.rets);
equal(gamma, env, &args1, &args2).context("Mismatch in function input type")?;
equal(gamma, env, &rets1, &rets2).context("Mismatch in function return type")?;
(Class(init1, ty1), Class(init2, ty2)) => {
let init_1 = to_tuple(init1);
let init_2 = to_tuple(init2);
equal(gamma, env, &init_1, &init_2).context(format!(
"Mismatch in init args: {} and {}",
equal(gamma, env, ty1, ty2)
(Unknown, _) => unreachable!(),
(_, Unknown) => unreachable!(),
(_, _) => Err(Error::msg(format!("{t1} is not equal to {t2}"))),
fn assert_length<I, F, K, D>(left: &[I], right: &[I], get_key: F, display: D) -> Result<()>
F: Fn(&I) -> K + Clone,
K: std::hash::Hash + std::cmp::Eq,
D: Fn(&K) -> String,
let l = left.len();
let r = right.len();
if l == r {
return Ok(());
let left: HashSet<_> = left.iter().map(get_key.clone()).collect();
let right: HashSet<_> = right.iter().map(get_key).collect();
if l < r {
let mut diff = right.difference(&left);
"Left side is missing {}",
} else {
let mut diff = left.difference(&right);
"Right side is missing {}",
fn to_tuple(args: &[Type]) -> Type {
.map(|(i, ty)| Field {
id: Label::Id(i as u32).into(),
ty: ty.clone(),
#[cfg(not(feature = "printer"))]
fn pp_args(args: &[crate::types::Type]) -> String {
use std::fmt::Write;
let mut s = String::new();
write!(&mut s, "(").unwrap();
for arg in args.iter() {
write!(&mut s, "{:?}, ", arg).unwrap();
write!(&mut s, ")").unwrap();
#[cfg(feature = "printer")]
fn pp_args(args: &[crate::types::Type]) -> String {
use crate::pretty::candid::pp_args;